Resep: Enak Hong Kong Shirataki Fried Rice

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Hong Kong Shirataki Fried Rice. Retired Chef Fai, demonstrate how to make this delicious, easy to follow cooking video. your be amazed how easy to make this SHRIMP FRIED RICE. can be eaten. Hong Kong style fried rice, the way hawkers do it! The food in Hong Kong resonates a lot with the food available in South East Asia as a whole - it is high on flavorsome sauces, has a heady gastronomic edge to it, and in other words is sheer delight.

Hong Kong Shirataki Fried Rice In the past few days, tropical storm Blanca even brought in the This beef fried rice is exactly the right one. I got this recipe from my blogger friend, Kayiu's blog (Saucy Spatula). Fried rice is a staple dish in Chinese families. Anda dapat memasak Hong Kong Shirataki Fried Rice using 12 bahan dan 7 steps. Inilah cara Anda membuat.

Bahan dari Hong Kong Shirataki Fried Rice

  1. Ini 150 gr nasi shirataki masak.
  2. Anda perlu 1 butir telur (kocok).
  3. Siapkan 3 siung bawang merah (rajang halus).
  4. Siapkan 2 siung bawang putih (rajang halus).
  5. Ini 1 cup frozen veggies (buncis, jagung, wortel).
  6. Siapkan 1-2 sosis (potong dadu kecil).
  7. Siapkan 50 gr fillet dada ayam (potong dadu kecil).
  8. Siapkan 1 batang daun bawang (rajang halus).
  9. Siapkan 1-2 sdm saus tiram.
  10. Ini 2 sdm minyak wijen untuk menumis.
  11. Siapkan 1-2 sdm kecap asin.
  12. Anda perlu 1-2 sdm bawang goreng untuk taburan.

It consists of steamed rice stir-fried in a wok, often mixed with meat, vegetables, and eggs. So could shirataki fried rice with only half of the calories of regular fried rice be as delicious as regular fried rice? A wide variety of shirataki konjac rice options are available to you Hokkien fried rice (Chinese: 福建炒飯; also known as Fujian fried rice) is a popular Cantonese-style wok fried rice dish in many Chinese restaurants. It has a thick sauce poured and mixed over fried rice with egg.

Hong Kong Shirataki Fried Rice tahapan

  1. Siapkan bahan, karena kalau masak semua sudah siap akan terasa cepat dan mudah :).
  2. Panaskan wajan, tuang minyak wijen untuk menumis, masukkan telur dan aduk hingga bentuknya seperti scramble egg..
  3. Lalu, masukkan sosis dan dada ayam, aduk kita terlihat matang. Setelah itu masukkan irisan bawang merah dan putih, kenapa bawang tidak diawal? Supaya bawangnya tidak terlalu matang/ hangus..
  4. Masukkan saus tiram, aduk hingga rata..
  5. Masukkan sayuran, aduk rata dan koreksi rasa, tambah kecap asin jika masih kurang asin, jika kurang gurih tambahkan penyedap kaldu jamur bubuk (totole).
  6. Masukkan daun bawang, aduk sebentar hingga panas, dan mengeluarkan aroma sedap :).
  7. Yuhuuu, Hong Kong Style Shirataki rice ready, sajikan dengan bawang goreng dan telur mata sapi setengah matang, yumm 🤤.

The sauce can include mushrooms, meat, vegetables, etc. There are many varieties of fried rice in Chinese cuisine, and the kind which is most closely identified with Cantonese cuisine is Yangzhou (or "Yang-Chow") fried rice. The most common style would be called "Fried Rice in Yangzhou Style". Save shirataki rice to get e-mail alerts and updates on your eBay Feed. GRL Grenada - GRD Guadeloupe - GLP Guam - GUM Guatemala - GTM Guernsey - GGY Guinea - GIN Guinea-Bissau - GNB Guyana - GUY Haiti - HTI Honduras - HND Hong Kong - HKG.